S-09 FILM EXTRACT: Nathan Ives. Cinematographer. Evaluation.
Friday 27 February 2009
Nathan Ives. Cinematographer. Evaluation.

For our film extract project I took up the role of the cinematographer. This meant that I was in charge of planning shots and filming. The extract was towards the end of the film where the band is being questioned about the events that had happened and their feelings towards the band.

With the genre we chose, a fake documentary film about a band. Our biggest inspiration was the film 'This is Spinal Tap' which is also a mockumentary about a band. It's comical like we've tried to make our extract. In 'This is Spinal Tap' it is also a story of failure between the band, but at the end they resolve their differences and become famous in Japan. This influenced our story of failure. Another influence of ours was the television series 'The Office'. This was because of the way it's shot. It used a very natural recording feel to it but also had points where characters would talk to the camera, these moments are what we tried to use. The camera work is normally that of a shaky nature and earlier in the film it would have been shot in a 'fly on the wall' style because it’s normally capturing reality. With our documentary genre though it was different because ours was a mockumentary. So the footage I was shooting wasn’t real life, but the camera work had to pass off that it was a real life documentary. So I decided to hold the camera with my hand, like if it were being filmed out on location rather than in a set up environment, where you’d be able to capture what you needed in the shot.

Using my area of micro responsibility, which was being the cinematographer, I thought it wise to tell the story of our short section via an interview type method with someone behind the camera. Although in fact it was me asking the questions behind the camera. I asked each band member roughly the same question in the knowledge that they would all answer differently, adding to their characters and the over all story.

I knew that with shooting the questions in that order it would help the editor tell the story by editing their answers to the same question one after another making more sense. These were done by long, one shot takes. The footage I took gave our sound man inspiration as to what direction the background music would be. Since the band members all were upset and talking about some sad issues within the story. He was able to make a sad background track that added to the feeling of loss for the failing band, making the viewer understand easier. The art director already knew what kind of look she wanted the band to have, so she asked my friends, who were playing the band members, to dress in a rock and roll way. She also asked them to bring along instruments and other things of that nature.

With the week we were meant to be planning our project I found myself on my own because my group had fallen sick. This left me in a bit of a predicament and we only got a bit of planning done. By the end of the planning week you were expected to be taking the camera away to shoot the footage for your rough cut. Not knowing what to do I took my groups camera and tripod and filmed my friends who kindly acted for me. This decision was mostly spontaneous but some good footage was achieved. After that weekend of filming my group was unaware of the footage I had procured, but they liked it and worked with it all the same creating the final project mostly out of that footage.

Our initial feedback we got from the audience was that they felt that with the camera work, they liked the fact that the camera being head height. They said that it felt like a low budget documentary, which was the feel we were going for. Every group commented on strong performances from the actors in the piece, which really came back positive towards how they were captured on film.

Overall the film extract came out extremely well. What I would take away from doing this project is the fact that I could have had some varied shots or followed someone around while filming them just to add more to my contribution rather than just the few shots I used.

This extract from the film this is Spinal Tap pretty much use the type of shots I use in our extract. (Without the credits of course)


posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 05:46  
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